[[sectionname]] Name Description
Introduction to Eastern Religions File PHIL 122 Syllabus
URL Libguide

This Libguide has been created for us by the NMC librarians. Just click on PHIL121 and you will be teleported to the wonderful world of Western Religion. There you will find links to resources, ideas for places to hunt for current events, suggestions for how to evaluate the credibility of your news source, and much more!

URL Chicago Manual Citation NB Sample

From the Purdue Online Writing Lab - this is a valuable resource if you are unfamiliar with Chicago NB (notes and bibliography) style citation.

Unit 1 Comparative Religion & Religious Response 8/24/19-9/7/19 Page To Do List - Unit 1, Week 1

File Joseph Campbell & Star Wars

Please see the document for links to two short readings. Please read each article, and review the very short embedded videos. These readings will inform your consideration of the Joseph Campbell & George Lucas video (link located under the watch section for this week).

Page Unit 1 Week 1 Videos

This page displays two lecture videos for this week. Watch the videos in the order they are listed on this page. When you're finished, watch The Mythology of Star Wars video below.

URL The Mythology of Star Wars with George Lucas and Bill Moyers (56 min)
Page PHL122 Introductory Activity
URL View Classmates' Introductions

Now that you have added your own introduction, please use this link to view the introductions of your classmates.

Page To-Do List Unit 1, Week 2

URL From ‘Judeo-Christian’ to ‘Potluck Nation,’ Eboo Patel pleads for religious pluralism

Please open this article and read this interview with Eboo Patel, founder of the Interfaith Youth Core, and speaker on Religious Pluralism.

URL Nonduality Link

This is an optional reading if you need more background on Nonduality as it relates to the required "Buddha at the Gas Pump" video this week. This reading is from SAND: Science and Nonduality for those interested in the concept. This is mentioned by Dr. Dana Sawyer in the "Buddha at the Gas Pump". Once again, totally optional information, but available should you be interested.

URL Dr. Thomas Lawson, Cognitive Science of Religion

This is an introduction to the Cognitive Science of Religion as explained by one of it's founders, Dr. Thomas Lawson. Please watch up to minute 11:47 of this interview. It may be helpful to keep in mind that he was giving this interview as part of a conference on the Cognitive Science of Religion.

URL Buddha At The Gas Pump - Dr. Dana Sawyer on Huston Smith

Please read the brief text description of Dr. Dana Sawyer and perennial philosophy, then watch at least the first hour of this video on the practical application of perennial philosophy. This will give you a better sense of perennialism and religion, particularly relative to the work of Aldous Huxley and Houston Smith.

Unit 2 - Hinduism 9/8/19-9/21/19 Page To Do List - Unit 2, Week 1

Page Unit 2 Week 1 Videos

This page displays a playlist of videos (lectures and 3rd party videos). Watch each of the videos in the order they are listed on this page. 

Page To-Do List Unit 2, Week 2

Page Unit 2 Week 2 Videos

This page displays a playlist of videos (lectures and 3rd party videos). Watch each of the videos in the order they are listed on this page. 

Page Unit 2 Current Event Discussion Forum (on VoiceThread)
Unit 3 - Zoroastrians 9/22/19-10/5/19 Page To Do List - Unit 3, Week 1

URL History Channel: Zoroastrianism (45 min)

Please read the contents of this webpage.

URL BBC - Religion - Zoroastrian Beliefs About God

Please read the content of this webpage.

Page Unit 3 Week 1 Videos

This page displays a playlist of videos. Watch each of the videos in the order they are listed on this page.

Page To-Do List Unit 3, Week 2

URL BBC - Religion - Zoroastrians and Dualism

Please read the contents of this webpage.

URL BBC - Religion - Zoroastrians and Humanity

Please read the contents of this webpage.

URL A Rare Glimpse Inside A Zoroastrian Temple In New York

Please read this Huffington Post article about a recently opened (within the last three years) Zoroastrian temple in New York.

Unit 4 - Buddhism 10/6/19-10/19/19 Page To Do List - Unit 4, Week 1

File Monks Chanting at H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama's Temple, Dharamsala India 2019

Audio file recorded by me in May, 2019.

URL Rebirth and Reincarnation in Buddhism

Please read this article on Birth and Reincarnation - it will aid in your understanding of what is "reborn" if there is no "self" (anatman)

Page Unit 4 Week 1 Videos

This page displays a playlist of videos. Watch each of the videos in the order they are listed on this page.

Page To-Do List Unit 4, Week 2

Page Unit 4 Week 2 Videos

This page displays a playlist of videos. Watch each of the videos in the order they are listed on this page.

Page Unit 4 Current Event Discussion Forum (on VoiceThread)
Unit 5 - Chinese Religions 10/20/19-11/2/19 Page To Do List - Unit 5, Week 1

Page Unit 5 Week 1 Videos

This page displays a playlist of videos. Watch each of the videos in the order they are listed on this page.

Page To-Do List Unit 5, Week 2

File Confucianism Basics Handout

Here's a basic overview of Confucianism. You may find it helpful to print this to include in your notes for the course.

Page Unit 5 Week 2 Videos

This page displays a playlist of videos. Watch each of the videos in the order they are listed on this page.

Unit 6 - NRMS 11/3/19-11/16/19 Page To Do List - Unit 6, Week 1

URL Raëlian Website

Spend 10-15min reviewing the content on the official Raëlian website.

URL NRM Lecture (on VoiceThread)

Please watch the NRM lecture on VoiceThread. I've added it to voice thread to offer you an example of how this can be done for your group projects at the end of the semester.

URL UFO Lecture

Please follow this link to view the UFO lecture

URL Raëlism Video

Please follow this link to view the Raëlism video 

URL CNN: Heaven's Gate suicides remembered

Please follow the link to view a retrospective piece from CNN on Heaven's Gate. *Note - this clip includes some of the original CNN and ABC news footage*

Page To-Do List Unit 6, Week 2

URL The Satanic Temple

Please take a look at the tenets on the website of the Satanic Temple, and spend 5-10 min looking around the site. I think it's interesting to consider the question: If we removed the term "Satan" from the verbiage, would you be able to tell that the tenets and work of this group is "Satanic"?

URL Principles of Belief

Spend some time reviewing the 13 Principles of Belief, as offered by "Pagan Path".

URL Neo-Paganism/Wicca

Please follow the ink to the Neo-Paganism/Wicca lecture

URL Circle Sanctuary Celebration

Please follow the link to the video from Circle Sanctuary showing an example of a pagan celebration

Page Unit 6 Current Event Discussion Forum (on VoiceThread)
Unit 7 - Religion in the Public Sphere 11/17/19-12/14/19 Page To Do List Unit 7, Week 1
URL What is Pluralism? Harvard Pluralism Project

Please read the content of this page.

URL From Diversity to Pluralism: Harvard Pluralism Project

Please read the content of this page.

URL ‘When You’re Accustomed to Privilege, Equality Feels Like Oppression’ - blog

Optional reading regarding privilege. Just more brain-food for you to noodle and keep in mind as you are reviewing current events throughout the semester.

URL Council of Europe - discrimination and intolerance

Please review this page and its information on various types of discrimination (including religious)

URL What is Interfaith Cooperation?

Please review the text, and watch the embedded "Lesson 1, Module 1B" video

Page To Do List Unit 7, Week 2
File Hinduism in America Timeline

Please review this timeline just to get a sense of the history of Hinduism in America.

URL The Future of Hinduism in America: Publicly Engaging Pluralism for Peace

Please read this blog - it's a few years old, but still interesting.

URL Moments in American Buddhism

Please review to get a sense of some of the key moments in American Buddhism

URL The Parliament of the World's Religions

Please browse this website, paying special attention to the "About" section" and the "Parliaments" section (which contains info on all the Parliaments since 1893)

Page Unit 7 Week 2 Videos

This page displays a playlist of videos. Watch each of the videos in the order they are listed on this page.