Application Assignment #11: Progress Report 1 -- Research -- DUE 11/24
Completion requirements
Due: Sunday, November 24, 2019, 11:59 PM
For this Progress Report you will focus on research and the gathering of information, not the actual writing or synthesis of that information. This report is to inform me of what has been accomplished so far regarding research.
Your progress report should include the following sections:
- Summary -- Explain your current topic, purpose, and audience. NOTE: If you weren’t specific about your audience and context in your proposal, be specific now. You can put that here or in the changes section.
- Tentative Outline -- List the topics/headings/subheadings you intend to include in your Technical Report.
- Changes to Initial Proposal -- Explain how and why you have modified your approach. If your research questions were underdeveloped in your proposal, this is your place to offer an update.
- Research Consulted -- Include works cited, a brief summary, and evaluation of each of each source. You must have at least three sources so far, but you may have more. View sample Progress Reports.
- Corresponding Component -- let me know if you’ve selected the Corresponding Component that you’ll complete. If you haven’t decided yet, let me know what you’re considering.
- Possible Illustrations -- Explain your tentative plans for illustrations for the report. You need to have at least two original illustrations in the body of the report, but you may have more.
Submit your Progress Report to Moodle in memo format with “Progress Report #1” as the subject line.