Preparing and Planning
Organize and prioritize
Embrace Structure & Set Goals
It's important to have a plan for achieving both long and short term
goals. Be sure to evaluate and re-evaluate the plan--it's okay for it to
change. Plan for obstacles. Be realistic.
- Evaluate and re-evaluate the plan.
- Think about execution and obstacles.
- Be realistic.
- Celebrate successes (even small ones).
- Learn from failures.
- Don't give up!
During your planned course time, organize your activities to be most productive.
Course-related materials need to be organized for easy access. However, there is no set way to be organized. You'll need to determine what works best for you. For example, consider whether you prefer your work environment neat and clear, or if you work better surrounded by books and piles of paper.
Consider organizing your electronic files into course folders.
Use a "To Do” list. It will help with your organization skills and give you satisfaction as you cross-off completed activities.
Use the dates your instructor gives you to help prioritize your study time. Sometimes we set our priorities by doing activities we prefer or think are easier first, avoiding the less "attractive” items until later; don't spend time on a project due next week, when another assignment is due today.