HW #4.3: Public Proposal Peer Review -- FIRST POST DUE APR. 26 // FINAL POST DUE MAY 2
Writers: Post a draft of the proposal that you are going to deliver to your audience. So you should be uploading letters or blog posts or transcripts of oral presentations or opinion columns for the newspaper etc. In the description box, briefly explain the audience for your proposal, if it isn't obvious from the address.
Readers: Read two posts and fill out the worksheet above. You know the drill! But in case you forgot, here's a tutorial on Moodle forum posts: https://elearn-staging.nmc.edu/mod/page/view.php?id=1139936
NOTE: Please don't upload your homework #4.2. You are supposed to upload a draft of the actual proposal.
CAUTION! Please remind your fellow students that they must address a particular individual (such as the president of the TCAPS school board) or a particular publication.