
[[sectionname]] Name Description
Project #1: Analysis and Response HW #1.4: Response Invention Journal -- DUE JAN. 26 @ MIDNIGHT

The settings for this app won't check off the assignment on the Moodle page until I grade it. Very annoying, and it can't be fixed, apparently. Sorry...

So far, you have spent most of your time reading, analyzing, and summarizing another writer's argument. Now it’s time to begin responding with an argument of your own. You will respond to the opinion column that you have already analyzed and summarized.

STEP 1: Please put the title of the argument at the top of your journal entry.

STEP 2: Write a paragraph of about 300 words in which you agree with the author’s claim. Label this paragraph BELIEVING. This is informal "invention" writing, so use first person "I" and don't worry about structuring your thoughts. Explain whether you actually agree with the argument. But then, even if you don’t agree with the argument, say why you think the argument would appeal to some people and find some aspect of the argument that you do agree with. 8 pts.

STEP 3: Write a paragraph of about 300 words in which you disagree with the author’s argument. Label this paragraph DOUBTING. This is informal "invention" writing, so use first person "I" and don't worry about structuring your thoughts. Explain whether you actually disagree with the argument. Next, even if you actually agree with the argument, say why you think others would object to the argument and find some aspect of the argument that you do disagree with. 8 pts.

STEP 3: Write a tentative thesis for your response essay. Use one of the formulas below. X is the author and argument you are responding to. 4 pts.

I agree/disagree with X, especially when they say Y, because of Z.

I mostly agree/disagree with X, but I object to Y because of Z.

NOTE: This essay is easier to write if you disagree with the author. If you agree, you need to avoid simply summarizing and "seconding" the original essay. You can write a very good  "I agree" argument if you look for points that you agree with but that you can say more about. Add evidence about these points that the author left out. You can also add new points of support. 


HW #1.8: Reflection on Analysis and Response -- DUE @ MIDNIGHT FEB. 9

NOTE: Moodle won't check off your journal entries until I grade them. For other assignments, you get a check when you submit them. No mortal understands the mysterious ways of Moodle...


Your journal entry should be @ 300 words TOTAL for all three questions. That is 300 words for the journal entry as a whole.  Journal writing is generally considered informal writing. You should use the first person "I" and do not need to use formal grammar and sentence structure. You should, however, fully develop your ideas.

  • How did writing this essay change your feelings about the topic of your essay -- spaying and neutering pets, youth tackle football, high school, third-grade reading?

  • How does the classical pattern of persuasion help you think differently about writing argument? How does it compare to the five-paragraph model?

  • How does an understanding of the three appeals, particularly ethos, help you read and write argument?

  • How will it help you as a citizen and a professional to be better at reading and writing arguments?