Websites and Upcoming Writing Quiz

So you're wondering why I would ask you to take a writing quiz in a literature class.  The answer is simple:  I want you to be prepared to write your first paper for our course and to write literature papers in general. The quiz covers standard conventions in writing about literature; thus this will be information that once you learn it, you will be able to apply it often.

If you take the time, you can find the answers to the quiz questions in the links that I have supplied so this isn't a quiz that should put any of you at a disadvantage.  If I hadn't supplied this information about how to write about literature and encouraged you to learn it through this quiz, those of you who do not have a few literature or composition classes, under your belt would be at a disadvantage when writing papers.  In short, I want you to be able do well.

The Writing Quiz is a multiple choice/multiple answer quiz, much like the format of the syllabus quiz you took during Week One.  There is no time limit for this quiz though you must complete it once you begin.  I'm providing you the links again this week so that you can continue looking over the material in preparation for the quiz (and the essays you will be writing!).

In any of resources below, pay attention to developing titles and theses and topics, introductions, body paragraphs and conclusions, citation/works cited, revision and editing, and improving paragraphs. 

My best advice would be to start reading over these web pages NOW; look at the first set (#1)  of readings during Week 3, look at the second set (#2)  in Week 4, and the final third set (#3) as you begin Week 5. This way you should not get overwhelmed. Saving all of this technical reading for week 5 will feel overwhelming so start looking at in depth now!!!! 

You'll have roughly three weeks to review this material and prepare for the quiz starting in Week 3. You may leave your web pages open to refer to as you take the quiz.



Here are some notes for using on "The Writing Process" --

Writing Process Pie Chart

(Go down the list here looking at General Writing, Research & Citation, the MLA guide, and anything in Subject Specific Writing you want to brush up on. :)



Here is a helpful link about overall structure for literary analysis essays.

Here is a good source on essay writing from Purdue. Read through the list as you want. They all offer helpful information about the writing process:

On the left hand side are various tabs. Read through the list:



Writing Quiz Reading # 3

--Read Writing About Literature

Try this link:

Look at the fiction section too:

You need to know MLA!   Read the MLA section on Works Cited and In-Text Citations.  You will be quizzed on MLA and will be required to use it correctly in your paper and project writing.


 Further Writing & Style readings if wanted: 

•the section on Body Paragraphs (4 sections!!) at

•Supporting Your Thesis and Developing Your Paragraphs

Last modified: Sunday, September 29, 2019, 11:58 AM