Week 15: Sunday December 1- Saturday December 7

£ Classwork & Lecture: Review all files posted in Classwork & Samples/Guides for section. Review Final Project description & samples.


£ Optional Plan 3: If wanted submit Plan for Final Project through Moodle. Due Wed 12/ 4. 


Week 16: Sunday December 8- Saturday December 14 

FINAL: Submit Final Project by Wednesday December 11 through Moodle. DO NOT MISS THIS DEADLINE! 


We're getting pretty close to the end now! I hope that you all have enjoyed our class readings. We have read books that have dealt with the full spectrum of human emotions; some of these readings have been heartwarming and inspirational and others have challenged us and even upset us at times. I've been glad to have a good group of students this semester responding to these readings and applying them to their own lives.

We are in our last week before finals week for this semester! Hopefully things are wrapping up well for you all. :)


Plans for Project #3

Your plan for our final (should you submit the plan) is due this Wednesday. I encourage folks to send a plan in for this final assignment that is  heavily weighted

Most importantly take some time and look through the numerous samples I have posted online. They are there for you to get a strong sense of what the final project should look like. SAMPLES are under the Essay Assignments section in the second course box on our page.

 I hope you will have fun with this assignment, but you should also consider that this project is worth more than the other papers. This means that I expect some innovative work; I know you all are more than capable of producing fine insightful final projects.

The type of plan you submit will depend on the option that you choose. Please read the assignment page carefully to find out how to present your plan and how to structure your final project.  All final projects must be submitted through Moodle as is usual for our class. 

One of the most popular options for the assignment is a digital collage. There are some interesting free online collage/timeline/storytelling apps and blogging software if you choose this route.

Project #3    

Your final project will be the most valuable of the semester: 300 points. 

I have posted numerous samples of work from past students underneath the assignment description on Moodle. Please look at these to get some additional ideas!

Here is some plan info taken from the assignment page:


Give the weight of our final project, I would love for folks to turn in a final project plan; here are the specifics for each project.

  • For Option #1 and #2, provide a summary of what you want to accomplish in your scenes as well as a small portion of the actual dialogue or screen play to show that you understand the form.
  • For Option #3, provide your focus word and a detailed list of the various pieces (both visual and written) that you hope to include in your collage. You don't have to include the actual poem or letter for Option #3, but you should indicate what the poem or letter will be about and why you are including it. 
  • For Optional #4, provide a summary of what styles of poems you plan to use for each book and any additional details you know.
  • For Optional #5, provide a thesis and a paper outline of main points attached to that thesis.

Good luck everyone in our final sprint!!!

Last modified: Monday, December 2, 2019, 10:02 PM