Here they are, the notes you've been waiting for all semester.  (The last ones! Congratulations; you made it:)

Week 16: Sunday December 8- Saturday December 14 

FINAL: Submit Final Project by Wednesday December 11 through Moodle. DO NOT MISS THIS DEADLINE! 

Final Grades:

I know some instructors don't give comments on finals but I like to give at least a few so look for my feedback on your final project.  For Option 3 I'll attach some end comments for you about your final in the comment section of the grade box, if you submitted other options I'll either add feedback in the comment section or I might add margin notes as I have done on papers.

Last Words:

Have a wonderful break everybody! I have loved having you all in my class this semester and wish everyone a restful break full of good times with family and friends. I know online classes risk losing a bit of that personal connection because of the virtual, non real-time, structure of the course; that said, I have so appreciated getting to know all of you through your forum responses, quiz comments, essays, and email. Our ENG 271 group has done a wonderful job engaging with each other and forming a kind thoughtful online community. I have found you all just as engaged, if not more so, with each other as I have seem in face-to-face classes.

You have proved this semester to be an open-minded, reflective, informative, and thoughtful group. I loved reading through the last rounds of forums and seeing so many examples rich with specific details from the books and in some cases from your own life. It was awesome to see folks staying with the class right up to the end thinking about their reading deeply and applying it to their own lives. 

I have heard from many of you about how much you enjoying the reading throughout the semester and that was such a compliment and gift. I am glad that the reading has feed you and served you in unique and unexpected ways. Choosing a roster of books to read throughout the semester in a course that please, interest, and help broaden the minds of a large group of students can feel like a tall order, especially in light of the goal of this course to delve into a reading list that looks at cultural diversity as widely and broadly as possible. There is just so much to cover in a handful of months!! This semester you guys made me breathe easier on that score by diving into a variety of books and approaching our texts with open minds.

If you are continuing on at NMC, good luck with your studies! And if you are moving on to another university or career choice I wish you all the best on that new path. 

Keep on reading--- read whatever you like as often as you can! And keep writing too in whatever medium/genre speaks most to you.

My warmest wishes to you all & a hearty round of cheers on a completed semester!!



Last modified: Sunday, December 8, 2019, 2:53 PM