NMC's Writing and Reading Center (WRC) offers peer assistance with all types of writing at all stages of the writing process. Mostly these exchanges occur in face-to-face meetings that take place on campus. Please know that as a student in this pilot, you can still opt to schedule a face-to-face WRC appointment. But if your situation does not allow for this, you can request  an online conference instead.

To schedule an online conference with the WRC: 
Phone IconCall (231) 995-1189
visitStop by the WRC in Scholars Hall 221 (M-F hours)

Online time slots are limited, however, please schedule your online appointment at least 2-3 days in advance of your desired conference day/time slot. (Typically, a session lasts 30 minutes.)  When speaking with WRC staff, specify that you are in the Fall 2019 online pilot and would like an online appointment.

Please understand: The WRC does not offer a proofreading or editing service (e.g., to fix all of a student’s errors in grammar or citation).  As with our face-to-face appointments, online conferences still require active participation from the student. This means that you are prepared for the appointment and give the reader your full and respectful attention during the session.

Last modified: Friday, January 10, 2020, 12:45 PM